Title: Fighting Destiny (7/?) Pairing: Sakumiya, Sakuraiba, Matsumiya Genre: AU, Romance Summary: You may curse your destiny, but true love may come with it Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own them :(
Looks like things getting complicated,, (>x<) And Nino looks dissapointed that Jun already knew about Sho's feeling all this while, ne,,? Really lpoking forward to the next! Thanks for the update! (^ ^)
He's not dissapointed I'll tell you, everything will be clearer in the next chapter when they'll talk. I'm finishing chapter 8 right now, but I'm sleepy so tomorrow I'll give the final check and start with the 9. I think is gonna end on the 10th, hope so. Thank you for keeping up with the story :D
well sho kind of being inconsiderate here...he shouldn't be in a relationship with aiba if he still have feeling for nino...maybe this time around i hope aiba would just leave sho and be happy with someone who loved him back...
Well, when he started with Aiba he never thought that he will see Nino, and he kind of like Aiba, I guess not enough But there's some information on the next chapter that could make you not to be that mad with Sho Aiba deserves a happy ending, don't worry, it'll be in the last chapter :)
haha well here i'm all up for matsumiya because they kind of deserve each other, but looking at your pairing sequence, it might ended up as sakumiya maybe? ^^' well will looking forward toward aiba's happy ending.. PS: well I'm not against sakuraiba, but to have sho's playing aiba's heart even tho he have a reason still made sho as a jerk ^^'
I was just asking people around for a fic, and someone recommended yours, so I started reading it. Seeing that Sakumiya was first on the list of the pairings, I thought I would be getting an angsty but lovely Sakumiya fic, but then, yeah, Jun happened.
Don't get me wrong, I love Matsumiya, and I really like the story, but my Sakumiya heart is just so broken. I mean, they fell in love with each other first, right? My dear Sho. My poor, poor Sho. :(
But thank you for this. I have not seen your other work, I will probably look it over when I get the time, but I do wish that you would do a Sakumiya. In the future, perhaps. Sorry for the bother. :D
Your in luck, I'm working in a one-shot Sakumiya fic, although I must say it started in guilt, because at the same time I'm writing a Matsumiya one Hopefully I'll post it this weekend, my english it's not good enough and I have to take time to o some corrections :(
Comments 27
And Nino looks dissapointed that Jun already knew about Sho's feeling all this while, ne,,?
Really lpoking forward to the next! Thanks for the update! (^ ^)
I'm finishing chapter 8 right now, but I'm sleepy so tomorrow I'll give the final check and start with the 9.
I think is gonna end on the 10th, hope so.
Thank you for keeping up with the story :D
bueh~ al menos ya está dicho y ya pueden hacer algo al respecto
Pero todo tiene una razon de ser, espero lo comprendas
But there's some information on the next chapter that could make you not to be that mad with Sho
Aiba deserves a happy ending, don't worry, it'll be in the last chapter :)
PS: well I'm not against sakuraiba, but to have sho's playing aiba's heart even tho he have a reason still made sho as a jerk ^^'
I though nobody would be reading it by now :D
I also cried for Sho because I'm also a Sakumiya fan, sorry
I was just asking people around for a fic, and someone recommended yours, so I started reading it. Seeing that Sakumiya was first on the list of the pairings, I thought I would be getting an angsty but lovely Sakumiya fic, but then, yeah, Jun happened.
Don't get me wrong, I love Matsumiya, and I really like the story, but my Sakumiya heart is just so broken. I mean, they fell in love with each other first, right? My dear Sho. My poor, poor Sho. :(
But thank you for this. I have not seen your other work, I will probably look it over when I get the time, but I do wish that you would do a Sakumiya. In the future, perhaps. Sorry for the bother. :D
Hopefully I'll post it this weekend, my english it's not good enough and I have to take time to o some corrections :(
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