oh man's! it's been exactly a year since i last used this doohickey
new plan: let's play the lj game w/ less emo and more worthwhile
k.. so maybe i don't really have much worthwhile to say, seems like i'm only really good at taking things in, but no so much with the reworking them into something new
on globalization, environmentalism, politics, and generally everything going to hell )
Comments 50
I also forsee war over the scarce remaining resources a la Fallout but that's probably just because I've been drinking heavily.
But yeah, on the whole, maybe that's what will happen
as soon as i clean out my text message inbox i'll start, you know, sending them :P
this is an incredibly interesting prospect, but i don't actually see your whole woo smaller farms dealie happening. in any case, it wouldn't be without a fight, and it would be pretty freaking messy, mostly because i like railroads :( and you know, people like efficiency. it's developed into a core aspect of society. i think ultimately your plan would be inefficient. a lot of things deemed necessary to society cannot be created locally, for a plethora of reasons, and the horse and wagon thing generally isn't the fastest mode of transport --it's called 'snail mail' for a reason.
hippieeeeeeeeeeee :)
actually, agribusiness is like the worst thing that could've happened to world agriculture. the only good thing about it is that it runs on oil (mostly transport + manufacture + processing), and that's going to run out.
world trade is good if it's reasonable. what we have right now is a joke. importing dog food from india while the people around the silos starve because they are no longer used for human food is not the way to go.
Anyway, if you do get such a society I think you'd just get a bounce back to a globalized society relatively quickly. There'd still be the resources for continued innovation (and what are governments going to spend their power on if not finding how to acquire more power?) and power shouldn't be an unsolvable problem in the long term.
But to think with too rosy a view of local governance is a mistake, I think. Recall that whatever the pains of modern nationalism and racism, an increase in resources has overall brought a decrease in tribalism, one of the most ugly and fundamental aspects of human nature. It's certainly possible we'd be able to hold onto a globalized view of humanity (or maybe just the nation, or the union-of-nations, depending on what we have now and to ( ... )
how? globalization requires shipping on a scale that has only been possible since containerization in the 1960s. without the oil to power ships and railroads, globalized society doesn't happen. sure you might still have trade due to a reemergence of sails and maybe even steam (though the number of trees wouldn't support that for long), but there's no way you could have tomatoes in january like we do now.
"There'd still be the resources for continued innovation"
which ones? peak oil has either already hit or is just about to (depending on who you listen to), and if we replace it all with nuclear, the entire supply of uranium might last 10 years. at best. coal is just ridiculous, and even then, the supplies aren't exactly sustainable. that leaves hydro, solar, and wind. but hydro is also out of the question since we've already hit capacity with it, not to mention the drying up of rivers like the colorado and volga. (nor even to begin to mention ( ... )
To be hopeful beyond all reality is to be mistaken in my mind. It's a sort mistake you can easily live with, but also the type you should be aware of.
humanity as a whole may be awesome, but the driving force today are multinational corporations with an eye out for the next quarter's earning and no further.
by the time shit hits the fan and everyone catches on to the fact that those in charge are not looking out for the interests of humanity, there won't be any manufacturing left to produce "miraculous technology" that will save the day and everyone's lifestyle
i might also go try and study abroad in piter over the spring semester, but if i do, i might get drafted while there and end up sailing the seas in the russian navy for the next 3 years
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