Now that the hubbub has died down, I started wondering to myself how many of the "Best Picture" films I had indeed seen that have been awarded since the Academy started giving these things out in the twenties. It is important to note that in the early years, the Academy gave out two awards for "best picture," awarding "Most Outstanding Production"
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Actually, I finished a book today too! I was very excited today to finish the third Vampire Clan Novel Saga book - just one more of these to go, they are about 600 pages each, so I'm very excited to see what's going to happen to these characters. Today was a very rough day! It's the 65th anniversary of X-day (first Atomic Bomb dropped), All Things
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I would have wrote this there, but I'd have my sister have to explain this to my mother. She is the kind of person who asks what my status messages mean. Bleh
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I just feel like I've been hit with a ton of bricks. Sometimes just one of the little things will really throw your mind off and make you unsure of where you stand
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I just left the late night showing of the film Waltz With Bashir. Here in Boston, the weather is finally getting warm enough where being out late at night is not all that terrible. While I was walking home, I felt like the main character in the film slowly treading through the water to the shore of bombed out resort hotels. The mood created by the
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"His education tends, then, to give him the character of a supercilious and a hasty man; irascible, violent, and ardent in his desires, impatient of obstacles, but easily discouraged if he cannot succeed on his first attempt
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