This marks the end of the "Reagan-Gingrich-Bush" era, circa 1980-2008. (Technically it lasts until 2009, but there's not much Bush can do at this point as the lamest of lame ducks.) It also marks the start of what presumably is the "Obama era."
Three people are primarily responsible for what happened tonight.
Comments 7
I'm no morning person, but I got up after only 5 hours of sleep and waited in line yesterday 3 hours before work. I detailed it on my blog.
Now the hard part comes, Obama has to fix the mess Bush Jr. and the Republicans put the country in.
Here's hoping.
I tried a sardine jelly bean once from a box of Berie Bott's. It was so vile that I spat it out. And I like sardines.
Stephen Fox, Contributing Editor New Mexico Sun News
(the paper that printed Obama Wins! as headline 11 days before election, the first to call it for Obama)
Congrats on the early call! I remember reading about it, and actually looked for a picture of the newspaper headline online, but couldn't find it.
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