I'm completely over being in school. I've gotten to a point where I feel as though I've learned all I need to know about my field of study and I want to just be out in the real world, putting my overpriced education to work. I'm tired of papers and reading articles I don't understand. I think that is a big part of it too. Being in college has
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On June 6, 2010 I will be participating in a half marathon in order to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please visit my webpage to learn more information. You can also visit my blog from there to track my progress.
So I'm sitting in Carmel, not really sure how to feel. It doesn't feel like Christmas and that kind of upsets me. I didn't even realize how close it was until my Mom reminded me. I feel too much like an adult. Today I paid off a credit card and made a payment on my macbook, and then worked out payment plans for 2010
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I'm sitting at work, and should be working on a paper, but I head a mental road block and figured, why not update here. It has been a while
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I didn't get the score I wanted, and that sucks, but I'm alright. Ellie and I Plaza'd it up to forget the test, and then I spent the night watching Muppet movies and drinking cocoa, tomorrow I'm trying out some retail therapy
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These are my firsts. If I tag you it means I want to know yours. Copy and paste this note into your notes, delete my answers and fill yours in. Tag me back and anyone else whose "firsts" you want to know about
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I was looking at old photos, from highschool and prior, the other day, and realized, I don't remember half of the people in those photos. of those I do remember, I only remember the names of about 20%.
So my supervisor spotted me on livejournal one day. In an instant, I closed the window, but it was too late. Her only response to me "you're still on livejournal? I haven't had one of those since high school." I guess its best to be thankful my supervisor is one of my close friends and in her mid twenties
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