What a year :)

Dec 30, 2011 12:02

What a year it has been :D. Has been a fantastic work year and travel year. Learned a lot this past year and been doing a lot as well. Sadly I have not been using live journal to update people what I have been up to as I live in Facebook, twitter and tumblr now a days. Pretty much whatever is easiest to post from my cellphone ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

rogue1717 December 30 2011, 17:37:29 UTC
you're not weird. There's a large (and growing) group of women that don't want kids. There's even several childfree groups on lj and facebook that discuss the pains of society trying to make us feel abnormal for not wanting children.



raspberryroo December 30 2011, 18:59:58 UTC
Happy New Years! Got any plans for the evening?

I share a lot of the same resolutions - loss weight, and make more time for friends I've grown distant from. Life gets so busy, but I always hate feeling apart from those I was once so close to.

I like your tumblr page, I had been debating starting one myself... perhaps I should? Seems like a mix between LJ and twitter. I've been meaning to make a post like this myself - perhaps tonight!


latinvixen02 December 30 2011, 23:21:07 UTC
Tumblr is a ton of fun, specially if you like to post on twitter but write a bit more than the twitter limitations. Plus posting video and photos on tumblr is neat as it creates a thumbnail instead of just a link. I link tumblr to my twitter so anything I say on tumblr it goes on twitter too so everyone see's it :D. I think its worth having, plus you get a whole other audience on it. I am keeping my tumblr fun, mostly full of photos and video :).

For new years I will be at dominos blowing as much stuff up as possible :3 how about you?


shadow_weaver December 30 2011, 20:11:39 UTC
Nope not weird. There are lots of people who don't want children, myself included. Children are a huge responsibility, plus your world has to revolve around them. Thus it gets hard to do other things, like your art.

If it's your folks who want them and not you, that'd not the reason to start reproducing. You'd only end up resenting your offspring. =(


fangwolf57 December 31 2011, 04:13:19 UTC
Kickstarter sounds like a great idea. Its hard for people to get ideas of new products or innovations out to a potential consumer setting. This takes a lot of money and time for the average person. Its good to see a place were people can help each other get an idea going.

I don't have any kids and I am just out there free and loving life.


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