Here's my current list of potential names for my dog when I finally get it. : In no particular order! Arwen, Eowyn, Minerva, Asoka, Kira, Korra, Teela, Trinity, Skywalker, Motoko, Xena, Artemis, Luna and Ziva . Which ones do ya'll like best? Can you guess their origin?
Hi all! Last night I was going to email Panda City about when they'd be getting more of the Cintiq like Yiynova MSP 19U. They'd been out of stock for quite a while and had a note on the site that said they didn't know when or if they'd be getting more in
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Hey everyone. I entered a contest on WeLoveFine a t-shirt company. Please vote for my shirt so it can be printed and I'll win some $$$ ! Please share this with your friends. Rate it a 5, the higher the number the more it's liked!
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