Went to the orthopeadic (sp?) guy yesterday. He was quite surprised with my thumb and the way I'm unable to straighten it or bend it further than what it is already bent. The x-rays showed nothing besides a little indention in the bone that the dog probably made when it bit me. The Dr. decided that when the dog bit me, it but the tendon that
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So...I went to the doctor yesterday morning to find out what is wrong with my thumb. It wasn't broken...but it actually would be easier if it was
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Okay, so...things aren't working out so well for Chance. Dr. Reed didn't do the x-rays as he had promised. Instead, he got angry and ranted to his Vet Assistant about how it wasn't fair that I wanted him to fix Chance when there are ten other strays that we have back in the kennels. He thinks that it is just because Chance is purebred and a
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A couple of you know about my new dog, Chance. Now, I don't own her, nor does she live at my house, but she is mine because I have taken responsibility for her well-being. She is at Vetcare, waiting to have her fate determined
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Just got back from the game. Didn't see the end of it...did we win? I think we one, just as I was leaving we scored another touchdown. Hmm
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Went to Memphis. Went shopping. In love with the Buckle. But only the one in Jonesboro. Need more belts. Want more shirts. Thinks I'm selfish. Wants to donate half of clothes to charity so isn't selfish. Wonders why selfish reminds her of shellfish. Wonders if she is allergic to shellfish. Wonders what in the world is going on. @_
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I have never felt this before. The suffocating darkness that death throws over everyone who knows of its presence. The last time someone in my family died was when I was 5 or 6. I didn't quite understand then. Death couldn't get past the shield of innocence that I possessed. I wish I could find that shield that I so carelessly cast aside years
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