I'm drabbling again...
Title: Blue Skies
Fandom: Bleach
Rating: T
Pairing: Shuuhei Hisagi/Izuru Kira
Wordcount: 234
Warnings: Vaguely implied spoilers for the SS arc.
Disclaimer: Oh, if they were only mine...
Notes: Written for the
queersouls100 prompt 001 'Blue'
Summary: The road to hell...
Shuuhei is aware that he is being used. )
Comments 11
Tehe, there'll probably be quite a bit coming - I'm on mid-semester break and I'm procrastinating something chronic. :p
Oooh...nice. Mine was two weeks ago. *sighs* Four more weeks left...
Yeah, it's good to have a holiday. Unfortunately, holiday is here synonymous with doing-all-the-work-I-didn't-do-during-the-term-because-I'm-lazy. :p But why would I do uni work/think about RL when I could write fic?
Also...that dp...is very, very dsitracting.
It's no secret that this pairing is really... really not my favorite, but this is so wonderfully written. Short, but it packs a punch, especially in that last sentence. Shit. My heart just ached for a momoent.
I have a weird relationship with this pairing; I don't actually really ship them together, because I see their potential relationship as so destructive, but at the same time I find myself writing them. Perhaps because they're so destructive. So I don't really like them together, but I put them together because I find it interesting. And because I'm a sadist who enjoys character torture.
Still, I'm glad it had an impact, even if you don't like the pairing.
Brilliantly written, love how you paint the picture and portray Shuhei's intentions.
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