Title: Jealousy: PART XIX, PART XX, PART XXI
laughs_muses (fic journal)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13, R, NC-17
Disclaimer: No, none of these characters are mine. If they were mine I wouldn’t be working absurd hours in a coffee shop, now would I? Nup, I’d be cruising around in my Merc with little HP flags on the bonnet and…*
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Comments 52
Welcome to Harry/Draco...orgasm central there are a lot of nice people here. *cough*
Friend away duuuuude.
This is absolutely fabulous! I'm really liking the cruel-ish but needy Harry. *secretly thinks evil Harry is hot* I also love that Ron isn't a blundering idiot and that Draco doesn't hate Pansy. I'm looking forward to the next update!
BTW, I originally found you through harrylovesdraco, and I've got you friended.
anywho, good job.
p.s. I have a suggestion for you. You should put the link to the next chapter at the end of the current ( I mean I guess you have to go back and add it in). I always go back and read the previous chapter just to get back into the story, but then there is no link to the next. hmmmm, does that make sense?
Thanks for that! I promise to keep it up next time I update.
Erm, I see your updates in a few different comms, actually. I read most anything H/D, unless it's dark or angsty, so I invited myself to your party.
I don't think we've flisted one another, have we? I can remedy that. Feel free to drop by my journal, as I crank out H/D like no one's business. I don't much cross-post outside my journal, though, so if you want to read, you will need to visit Jae Land!
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