Title: Jealousy: PART XIX, PART XX, PART XXI
laughs_muses (fic journal)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13, R, NC-17
Disclaimer: No, none of these characters are mine. If they were mine I wouldn’t be working absurd hours in a coffee shop, now would I? Nup, I’d be cruising around in my Merc with little HP flags on the bonnet and…*
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Comments 52
I'm really uber sorry to say that I've decided against putting and Harry/Charlie action in...for the simple fact that he is Ginny's brother. And that I reckon a nice boy like Charlie would not want to ruin his sister's relationship and if something did happen, he would feel guilty enough to tell her or something. And that would ruin the Draco plot AND WE JUST COULDN'T HAVE THAT!
*grins and loves*
my favorite moments from this: draco saying anal sex (i'm not gonna lie, i giggled), harry/charlie being gay buddies...so cute (got me thinking about that harry/charlie drabble..sounds so yummy)and pansy not actually getting any (cause i would hate that)
so like i said..i love you and your writing...i've been looking at my friends list with desperation since the last installment you posted and finally seeing this lifted my heart!! more more more as always..please??!?!?!
“Nightmare. I need arms,” was all he said, as he buried his face into Charlie’s shirt.
Harry's conversation with Ron is also very nice. Harry is just so lovable. Poor Draco :). I often find myself thinking just that - that Harry desperately needs a hug once in a while, the silly dear.
And Draco attempts to solve his problems in his own *cough* special Malfoy way. I still love his easy-going and friendly relationship with Pansy. I do love a snarky and funny and good friend Pansy. I wonder if Draco will find what he is looking for. Methinks that something will still be missing...
and since you asked, i have both harrydraco and hd_first_time friended, so i see your updates twice. hehe :)
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