Torchwood/Doctor Who - Fic - Resurrection Shuffle, Jack/Ten, PG

Jan 21, 2007 16:00

The first part of this is here -

Title - Resurrection Shuffle
Category - AU-ish
Rating - PG
Length - approx 1360 words
Pairings - Jack/Nine/Rose, Jack/Ten/TARDIS
Spoilers - all broadcast episodes of New Who and Torchwood, and series 3 of New Who
Summary - The consequences of resurrection via the time vortex

Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

Resurrection Shuffle
by Laura

Jack’s investigating secures him a job at the Cardiff branch of a shadowy agency known as Torchwood. The induction documents mention a rather familiar girl and a not so familiar man.

Well, the Time Lord legends did mention regeneration.

Jack feels a little annoyed that he won’t get to yell at his Doctor.

Or kiss him hello.


In January 1951, Jack gets shot. Through the head, point blank. He falls to the ground. Then, he feels his body knitting itself back together, and he once again comes back from the dead, breathing heavily.

“Jack!” his team-mate exclaims, looking down at him. “You were...out...for two minutes. What happened?”

‘I...regenerated. Kind of, anyway,’ Jack thinks.

“I don’t know, Peter. I have absolutely no idea,” he says, and just lets Peter get him upright and inside the Hub.


In 2007, Torchwood One, the London base, the ivory tower, does something spectacularly stupid, and Daleks (all too close to home) and Cybermen (not the ones Jack knows) appear on Earth and kill many people.

Rose and Jackie Tyler are on the list of those who died at Torchwood One.

So, once again, the Doctor saved the world.

But at personal loss, it would appear.

There’s the other kiss Jack won’t get to have.


A few weeks after the Battle of Canary Wharf, Jack hires Ianto Jones, ex-Torchwood One. Ianto applied as PA/dogsbody/tea-boy/butler/driver. However, when the personnel file arrives, Jack notices that Ianto’s security clearance level matches his own. Jack assumes Ianto just wants some relative peace and quiet, and thinks nothing of it.

It only later becomes obvious how wrong Jack’s assumption was, when Ianto’s half-Cyberised girlfriend, who he’d hidden in the basement, nearly kills them all.


In January of 2008, after Jack’s surplus of alive has been stretched almost to its limit, the TARDIS materialises in the Torchwood Three Hub.

Jack is not at all surprised that his location is known. Walking inside, he's greeted by the man from the documents.

“Jack!” the Doctor exclaims, before looking back down at the controls. He dematerialises the ship and enters the Time Vortex. “What have you been doing with the Rift?” The Doctor taps the central console, saying, “She started screaming, and was determined to come to Cardiff.”

That seems to be a diversion tactic, like he’s not saying what he really means. “No small talk? Don’t I at least get a ‘hello’, Doctor?” Jack asks, walking towards the central console, coat billowing behind him. Jack rubs his hand over a lever, and feels a warm presence in his head. So, the telepathic, sentient ship still knows and loves him, then.

What about the Doctor?

“Jack...” the Doctor warns.

“OK, OK! The Rift? One of my team and I got pulled back to 1941. To get us back, another member of my team used the Rift Manipulator to open it. But all sorts of things came along with us. And in opening the Rift again, everything that shouldn’t have been in this time was sucked back. But then a demon, Abbadon, appeared,” Jack explains, not telling the Doctor everything that happened.

Some of it is still too painful to think about.

“What did you do that demon, Jack?” the Doctor asks, finally looking at him, and sounding like he already knows exactly what Jack did.

“I let it eat my life, Doctor,” Jack says, looking the Doctor straight in the eyes, and watching them go wide. “I seem to have an excess supply. What did you do to me, back on the Games Station?” he demands. The ‘Why did you leave me?’ can wait, for the moment.

“Me? Nothing, Jack, nothing at all,” the Doctor says, speaking too fast.

“What the hell happened, then?” Jack asks, confused.

“I’ve had this answer worked out for a very long time, let me explain...It was the TARDIS, in conjunction with Rose, Jack. And Rose isn’t dead, by the way, she’s in a parallel world,” the Doctor says. “Rose came back, glowing with the heart of the TARDIS and the Time Vortex and calling herself Bad Wolf, the two words that had been following us, across space and time. They destroyed the Daleks with a wave of Rose’s hand, both determined to keep me safe. Then she said, ‘I bring life.’ At the time, I didn’t really know what that meant, I was more worried about saving Rose. But when the TARDIS eventually picked up your energy signal, I knew. It would appear they wanted to keep you safe as well, Jack.”

“By bringing me back from the dead, Doctor? Giving me immortality? I’d been exterminated. Then I was breathing again. Being resurrected hurt, by the way. I heard the TARDIS engines, and I ran to the noise, only to see her disappear. Hearing the sound of the TARDIS dematerialising, and being unknowingly abandoned hurt even more,” Jack says, his voice breaking at the memory. “You left me, Doctor. I’d come back to life, and you left me.”

“I know, Jack, I know. I’d just got the Time Vortex out of Rose, I wasn’t thinking completely clearly, I just wanted to get us off the Games Station. I was half convinced you were dead. I didn’t want her to see your body, if you were,” the Doctor babbles, not meeting Jack’s eyes.

Jack works it out. “You didn’t want to see my body, either, did you?”

The Doctor doesn’t answer him, and still hasn’t apologised for abandoning him, or said why he’s never come to see him before now. Instead, he asks, falsely cheerfully, “So, how did you get off the Games Station, Jack?”

Jack sighs, and says, “With the extrapolator. I managed to enter the Rift, and it spat me out in 1950.” What about the spare heart? Jack considers explaining what else has happened, all the times he’s died, but decides to just show the Doctor, and says, “Give me your hand, Doctor, you need to feel what else the girls did to me.”

The Doctor places his hand in Jack’s much larger one, and Jack pushes his coat aside and puts it on his chest. The Doctor’s eyes go wide, in recognition of what he can feel.

“But that’s impossible, Jack! You’re human, not Gallifreyan!” the Doctor exclaims.

“Maybe I wasn’t entirely human to start with, Doctor. 51st century guy, remember?” Jack says. “So, what’s your extra heart for? You never did get around to telling me or Rose.”

“It’s for time, Jack,” the Doctor explains, all serious, and removes his hands from Jack. “One for blood, one for time. The blood heart stops when I die, and the time one helps to regenerate and re-start the new body.”

“What’s my spare heart for, Doctor?” Jack asks.

The Doctor puts his hand back on Jack’s chest, and closes his eyes. “Same as mine, Jack, but without the complete regeneration process,” he eventually says, re-opening his eyes. “It’s still impossible!”

“You keep saying that,” Jack says.

“But it is!” the Doctor shouts, taking his hand away again.

Jack half smiles to himself, and then says, “Now, do you want to explain why you’ve only just come to see me, when it would seem you clearly knew I was alive and on Earth.”

“I suspected you wouldn’t really want to see me,” the Doctor says.

“I didn’t. Not for a very long time, then I realised I missed you. I was angry, Doctor,” Jack says.

“You had every right to be,” the Doctor says.

At that admission, Jack mentally forgives the Doctor, decides that he does still love Jack, and feels the TARDIS smile at him. ‘He needs my help with something, doesn’t he?’ Jack silently asks her. He gets another smile.

“Doctor? Do you need my military capabilities again?” Jack asks.

He gets a huge smile of relief from the Doctor. “The people of the planet Utopia do, Jack,” he says.

It would seem they’re mostly all right, again.

“Then let’s go and help them, Doctor,” Jack says, taking a lever.

“Fantastic!” the Doctor exclaims, taking a lever of his own.

Jack smiles properly for the first time in many, many years.


rose, jack, torchwood, ninth doctor, tenth doctor, tardis, dr who, fic

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