Feb 13, 2012 19:01
Watching a sappy film either at the cinema or at home buried beneath mountains of blankets, duvets and pillows. Then perhaps a box of heart shaped chocolates to share and a glass of red wine or a Chinese takeaway and a pack of cigarettes.
writer's block
Feb 11, 2012 17:44
Curl up with a cup of tea and write down everything negative so that it's out of your system.
writer's block
Jan 22, 2012 12:19
I've been terribly busy with work - if you can call cleaning, cooking and babysitting for the neighbours work - and so I haven't really had time for LiveJournal. One one hand, it's nice to get away from the computer and to do something else for a change. But on the other hand, I've missed the internet and OMGing over lovely fics.
personal: life