18 icons of Blur "The Universal" video. Posting these after a very very long time, hope you like them. I thank onyourown for the caps. Posted at blur_dailyand videos_icons
Some Garbage videos icons we have made ( my sister superchic2005 and I ). She´ve made the MILK video ones and I made the "I think I am paranoid" video ones. Hope you like them! I credit mouthfullofdust for the caps. Posted also at garbage_icons and videos_icons.
So I have finally decided to post these icons together, from No Doubt video " It´s my life" and Gwen Stefani video " What are you waiting for?". Posted also at nxdgraphics and videos_icons. I thank sundaym0rning for the bases. Love both videos!
So, we, superchic2005 and laurakith have finally decided to post these icons together, as we are both really into Young Guns I and II, specially Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland and Terence Stamp. Thanks to jenzdesignz for the caps. Posted at 100x100moviesand bigscreen_icons. As you can see, almost all icons belong to Young Guns I.