Title: Of Swaggers, Saloons, And Star Badges - Chapter 24
Character/Pairing: Jae/Min/Chun and variations of, YooSu bffery, and ninja!pairings
Genre: drama/angst, romance, and a bit of comedy and action, Korean Wild West AU!
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,621
Disclaimer: I have a what?
Previous parts:
Prologue ,
Chapter 1 ,
Chapter 2 ,
Chapter 3 ,
Chapter 4
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Comments 19
I really loved it- after prologue I was a little bit concerned, because of the narrative way but that changed with the 1st chap =)
To be honest, when YC was sick, I suspected JJ and CM to have some fun alone ^_~
And why does YC always have to be the damsle in distess? Just kidding ^_~
I'm curious with whom you hook up JS- if he get's hooked up at all.
And do you have something against YH or was he just the unlucky fellow to be the antagonist?
Anyways I enjoyed this really much, sadly you wrap it up soon and I found this so late (probably didn't read it before, because you didn't post a summary, and I usually don't read not summarized stories (but the pairing pulled me in ^_~))
I love Yunho, it was just that is was between him and Junsu for the part of the bad guy and Yunho won...or lost...
Not sure who Junsu would be paired with, I have to give it some thought.
oh and happy belated birthday! >
I couldn't hurt Jungsu or Yoochun *they're my bias* and ninja!Siwon is <3
OMG, wow, so much happened in just two chapter. :D Even if I'm a little disappointed that the doctor liked Youngwoon, it was nice to know they were finally together. ^^ I know, I know. It was pretty obvious all along, but I'm demented that way in believing the doctor could've changed the Jung brother. XD By the way, did he die or is he still out there waiting for his revenge? O_O I don't know if he died or not in this chapter, so just checking. XD Awe, poor Jae. He really has issues here and was left traumatized after Yoochun left him. LOL on Min's comment of getting that ass. XD Does this mean that I'll finally see some Minjae? XD Haha, thanks for the updates. Can't wait for the next chapter and hope I can read it sooner rather than days later. :D
Yes to MinJae, finally, as soon as my sexy muse comes back to me - which should be pretty soon.
I'm glad you were able to read and comment and I'm working hard to update soon ^^
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