Jan 22, 2013 18:39
and happy to have signed back on to lj. I'm going to be analyzing some of my social media constructs and venues to determine how i currently use them and what serves my current needs and wants.
I think I will be being more active on lj again though.
social media,
Jul 01, 2010 22:04
- 20:43 Defeated by cider and shepherds pie @thetiltedkilt *groan* #
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Apr 19, 2010 22:02
- 10:31 to any interested parties - @tammy029 is out of surgery and in recovery; surgery was more complicated than expected; 3 hernias vs 1 #
- 10:32 she will be staying in the hospital for the next 2 days #
- 10:51 @ transplantmom will do once she's awake and coherent #
- 10:51 @ randomactsknit I normally work Sundays but we're going to be out of town this
( Read more... )
Apr 15, 2010 22:01
- 12:27 @ tammy029 jim butcher's books are good; elizabeth bear; naomi novik; you would also like alexander mcall smith's ladies detective agency #
- 12:28 @ tammy029 patricia briggs; Lilith St.Crow; #
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Apr 07, 2010 22:04
- 15:20 Stl Peeps - who's coming to knitting tonight?? #
- 15:33 @ rachelqk and @karamichele cool! Rivendell will be in attendance also #
- 16:30 @ transplantmom we are all going to knitting tonight...**sillyrabbit** #
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Apr 01, 2010 22:02
- 09:59 I don't care what your label says 'berry smoothy' flavored barium is DISGUSTING! #
- 10:02 And metro imaging, your set up for ab ct's stinks! #
- 10:04 I cannot drink two huge cups of digusting in a waiting room full of people #
- 10:05 I have fled to the lobby bathroom and am hanging out in th disabled stall; for which I feel bad #
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Feb 11, 2010 23:05
- 11:08 is anyone else having issues with google and gmail today? #
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Feb 04, 2010 23:03
- 12:09 It's ok; still sickly- ready to be done with it already. How are things by you? #
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