As much as this initial attempt at an online journal failed miserably. I have since moved on to MySpace. Yeah i know its terrible, but i've given in
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Yoda You scored 50% airiness, 15% squishiness, and 68% edginess! According to our patented JawamaticTM technology, you are most like Yoda in personality.
A traditionalist at heart, Yoda has honed his intuition through
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I thought I would share a few pictures of paradise and our life out here since i finally have a way to edit my digital images. Enjoy and people talk to me damn it!!!
Still no word from any of the 20+ places that I applied. Going to start making phone calls and praying. Frustration is definitely taking hold. Our puppy has more toys than I had as a child yet she would still rather tear apart the puppy papers she should be peeing on. She loves to use the carpet as he personal bathroom and there is nothing that
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Well here I am, 24 years of age, married, and living in paradise. How many people can claim that and not have been born here. :-D But it does suck that I have no regular internet access. One down side is out moving company is trying to really screw with us. So that is partially to blame why I have not been able to access the net regularly.
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Hi every body. Yes i know i practicaly dissapeared on most of you with out a word. The move to hawaii required it. I currently have no regular access to the internet so i'm in the apple store stealing time on one of their amazing and beautiful Powerbooks. this 17 inch monitor rocks. I want one so bad. lol
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Well I suppose it's time I started to spread the good word. As of March 19th Hillary and I have been joined as one in a marriage that has been a long time coming. To be honest I've had the same dorky smile of my face ever since. Heh... I think married life agree's with me. I've got my soulmate and now she's stuck with me literally and legaly
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