Title: Since Day One Pairing: KyuMin Genre: Romance, Slight!Horror Rating: NC-17 Summary: I've already had my eyes on you since day one. Warning: Genderswitch, smut
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA lol at this "Wait, am I gonna get pregnant with a zombie baby?" well it's kinda creepy because Sungmin made love with zombie but it's hot lol
"Wait, am I gonna get pregnant with a zombie baby?" I'm LOLing at this ^^ And yes... how could they making out at that situation :P pervy KyuMin... hahahaha
where have u been? I miss you! I hope you are doing fine! ^^
Comments 32
well it's kinda creepy because Sungmin made love with zombie
but it's hot lol
Thank yooooou. :D
Thank you for reading. ♥
I'm LOLing at this ^^
And yes... how could they making out at that situation :P
pervy KyuMin... hahahaha
where have u been? I miss you!
I hope you are doing fine! ^^
I've been very busy and very lazy. :| :))
I miss you too! :') :D
I am now 'cause it's already my vacation. :-bd
I hope you're doing fine too. ;D
Thank you for reading. ♥
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Thank yooooou. :D
Thank you for reading. ♥
but this is actually amusing.
way to go Sungmin for having sex with a zombie kyuhyun
while i bang my head because seriously...wae
it was a nice read ;P
/Nods in agreement :))
/Stops you from banging your head and tries to calm you down =))
Thank yooooou. :D
Thank you for reading. ♥
a sequel please? kkkkkk
kinda curious of how would they be. and the 'baby'
I'm not sure if there will be a sequel, but I'll think about it. :3
Hmm, me too. xD
Thank you for reading. ♥
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