Wait, wait, let's step back one: before we talk about what global warming is, vs. what it is not, let's talk about something more fundamental. Let's talk about what science is, and is not.
Science is confirming observations by repeating experiments, taking measurements in different ways to make sure the method isn't faulty, and having other people
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Comments 10
It's fair to say that we might not be, especially when we test against a control: Mars is warming too, and there are no humans there to cause it.
The warming on Mars is mostly thought to be a local phenomenon, and not a sort of Martian global warming. It's not even all that well-observed; mostly, we've seen increased sublimation of the southern-polar CO2 cap, exposing the underlying water ice, over a period of three ears. As proxy data, this is less well-understood than proxy data for Earth surface temperatures. Calling this "warming" is uncertain, calling it a *global* phenomenon that affects Mars as a whole is unsupported, and the best explanation currently is that it's the result of local topographical features.
Shame that's a for-pay article, because I really am as easy to convince as showing me a paper like that, with decently respectable observations and well-defended conclusions. Which just irritates me more that those who say, "OMG WINTER! GLOBAL WARMING IS A LIE!" produce exactly zero such research.
I'm not talking about federal leadership, bro'. I'm talking about the scientists and activists. And if they're that stupid, then their opinion on global warming is hardly worth mentioning, is it?
And if we're not causing it, it's hardly a matter for debate. But you can still judge by actions. Just how many scientists are buying vineyards in Canada?
And you're right: if we're not causing it, it's hardly a matter for debate. The only thing you really can do is buy mountain property.
*Smug grin*
In addition, my cynical side gets invoked when all the answers to global warming just happen to coincide with a statist agenda. And involve depriving me of freedom/money.
Too much of the climate debate is not centered on science, but the religion of statism.
Don't get me wrong; you and I seem fairly strongly agreed on many political issues. However, flatly contradicting what data we do have in order to make a political point makes the anti-statists look just as stupid as the statists when they do it.
Whether the earth is warming, cooling, or staying the same cannot be decided through politics or religion. If you want to tackle something from a political or religious viewpoint, make sure you always put "anthropogenic" in front of "global warming." That's harder to prove, and is still up for discussion. Whether the earth is warming, though, is something that's now relegated to high-school level science fairs to be analyzed over and over and over using the several data-gathering techniques listed above that all confirm each other without exception.
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