Mar 30, 2004 16:04
friends only.
Mar 29, 2004 15:19
my apendix is bound to burst.
yeah yeah! for leaking toxins.
i have a tiny silver turtle
Mar 25, 2004 21:46
i have one friend.
maybe i prefer it that way.
Mar 24, 2004 16:55
i'm getting sick. first time this year. i think. it's sucking.
i miss scott.
Mar 23, 2004 17:59
so how about my dad punished me lastnight for not getting upset & cryish
that my grandma was just let out of a hospital with a SUCCESSFUL sergery behind her.
& then i wouldn't obey him.
so "no more scott until you start acting nicer."
so i cried.
i really never used to cry.
Mar 20, 2004 14:08
i don't know if it has anything to do with lastnight at laura's, but i cried a lot today.
i never really do have things my way, but instead of getting used to it, i get all pouty pouty.
Mar 19, 2004 11:21
it's a snow day but the sun is out now & tonight i'm hanging out with laura, chelsea & melinda.
Mar 17, 2004 12:35
i took some people off my friends list.
Mar 17, 2004 12:25
i stayed home yesterday.
i was feverish, but that wasn't a good enough excuse for my mom so i told her i threw up. it snowed anyway & schools let out at 12.
i feel dizzy.
& i have one friend.