An ordinary attraction could turn passionate in seconds, and with the mood the heavens are in, you won't even have to meet your sweetheart in-person to fall in love. Careful, though, dreams this potent are obviously quite dangerous
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A family member who's always been odd or unusual will say or do something that will make that fact undeniable to anyone and everyone in the vicinity. You won't mind, but you may need to make some hasty excuses for their behavior
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Craving romance? Sure you are, and loving someone can turn to being in love with them with just one glance, at just the right moment. And how nice! Talk about cutting to the chase. Think of all the 'interviewing' you won't have to do
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Whatever it is you've been waiting to say, you can finally say it. Will your audience be surprised? You bet -- but you may also be a bit startled at what emerges from your lips. Oh, well. Smile. It can't hurt
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If you've been keeping company with a friend, you should expect that relationship to take one giant step away from strictly platonic feelings. In fact, it won't be possible to maintain anything casual with anyone now
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For the next few days, you're all set up for intimate conversations, and lots of them. If you're attached, your sweetheart may even initiate these chats. It's time to solve old issues and get to work on new beginnings
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A family member is about to try to coax you into joining a group of friends who don't care about your stock portfolio, your latest promotion or who designed your shoes. Go ahead. Talk about refreshing
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