Me reading out my puzzle questions to Steve. Me: In traditional Japanese dress, what is an obi? Steve: That's the sash that goes around a kimono. Me: So... Libya?
LOL.. I'm starting to think we need Twitter just so we can post the funny things my brain says while doing my puzzles.
I'm thinking I want to change my background and layout.. Though, I'm not sure as to what yet. I do however know I want to make it more 'upbeat'.
I'm also thinking about trying to find new LJ friends, as no one really updates anymore. Though, it's not that hard to catch up with most people on my F-List as you're just a phone call away.
Hey all, my old phone's broken and now that I've got a new one I'm going to need your numbers. Mine is the same number but for some reason the sim didn't keep all the numbers so if you could please send me your numbers via email or sms (but let me know who ot's from if via sms) that'd be awesome!
Mita loves Lady GaGa. We have Mita in at the computers with us (as it's too windy outside) and he sings so loud when she's on. He sings the most to the song "Just dance". LOL It's so funny and cute.