- Ended an era - Woke up next to my self - Joined a revolution... you can read the Manifesto of Sorts here. Feel free to peruse the rest of the site as well, it is Ace, mate
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So... I'm leaving for Thailand this Friday. I wish I could say for vacation or some lighter occasion then a funeral. The funeral of a man I knew only as a child but who I maintained such affection and respect for growing up, my Uncle Kusol
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I am addicted to Ninja Warrior (or Sasuke if you're in Japan... but you probably aren't, so that's Ninja Warrior to YOU, pal). Thank you G4 network... thank you.
My trip to Amsterdam (with side trip to Germany for Fetish Evolution) is just 3 weeks away! My tummy is happy fluttery... my tummy is always happy fluttery when I take trips abroad
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