My sleeping schedule is getting closer to normal everyday. Tonight? 9pm to 4am! Waking up periodically in between to read, of course. I'll be back on track in no time, folks.
HAHAHAH. man it has to be crank or heroin, because i was a big cokehead for almost a year and let me tell you, i NEVER got that skinny. or wait, maybe it's CRACK. yeah.. it's totally crack.
she's been on the shit since she was like 15 though, then it made her totally anorexic after a year and i dont see how no one else noticed this until just now. COKE 4 LYF.
Comments 4
I hear the gangsta's are gonna start calling coke the Mary-Kate.
dood, if they start referring to it as the mary-kate i will restore my faith in humanity forevermore.
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