I'm posting this now because, OMG, only a few days away now! faqs will be up tomorrow, and then a general reminder, and then, bam! iconfest time.
This is 'borrowed' pretty much wholesale from the last round because I'm lazy like that.
Rules / About:
♣ any and all posts to do with the iconfest will remain public on my journal (for ever!) and will not be friends!locked (so you will not need to friend this journal to participate or view the icons later).
♣ it will be open to anyone, regardless of whether they make icons or not.
♣ icon makers can be of any skill level.
♣ the planned start date will be Sunday 19 September 2 pm PST (or whenever I get up) and will close on Friday 24 September, midnight PST. This should give time for everyone to participate and to promote the fest if needed.
♣ any and all work created can be cross-posted or posted wherever you like, but it must first be posted as a reply comment to the original prompt.
♣ all icons posted will be shareable to all people, not just the person who posted the original prompt (remember, sharing is caring). Credit of course will be given to the maker.
♣ it is recommended that all icon posters should host their icons at image hosting sites such as tinypic.com, though of course it's up to the maker in question.
♣ after the iconfest has closed I will make a post that contains all the icons created for the fest (this will include a full credits list of the makers for each icon). If the icon is hosted privately I will re-upload the icon to a site such as tinypic to save on bandwidth for the maker.
How the prompts/responses will work:
♦ a participant will comment to the main post with their prompt (in a specific format, see below) and anyone interested in creating the icon replies to that post with the icon and any details of how the maker would like to be credited.
♦ a prompt may be either a word/phrase or a specific picture.
♦ you may make multiple prompts as long as each prompt is listed in a seperate comment.
♦ icon makers are encouraged to answer as many prompts as they want to (or have time for).
♦ you may fill a prompt that has already been filled (so there can be multiple icons made for the same prompt).
♦ all work should be new and created specifically for the iconfest.
♦ anonymous entries will not be allowed.
♦ any images NSFW (not safe for work) must be clearly marked as such in the subject line of the prompt (see below) and any supplied images may only include the URL (so the image itself must not be displayed in the comment). This will be so people who do not wish to view such content are clearly warned and and can by-pass that prompt.
♦ comments and praise for the icons created are encouraged.
♦ if you're still unsure, check out the prompt post from
last time to give you an idea.
The actual format of the prompts/how responses will work:
♠ to make the post easily searchable for people looking to fill the prompts the following information should be identified in the subject line:
Fandom/Bandom/etc (character/subject), prompt word/phrase OR Fandom/Bandom/etc (character/subject) [supplied pic]
So, I might ask for prompts with the following subject lines:
Generation Kill (whole group), sugar
The Vampire Diaries (Stefan) [supplied pic]
Stock (trees), red
If the supplied image is NSFW (and if you're unsure, veer on the side of caution) please indicate this in the subject line, i.e. Joe Bloggs [supplied pic] NSFW.
♠ The subjects can include fandoms, bandoms (bands/musicians etc), stock imagery, quote icons, and people.
♠ People can include models, singers and actors and actresses (either candid or photoshoot) or other personalities. So, for example, if I wanted an icon of Arthur from the TV show Merlin I would use the subject line Merlin (Arthur), despair or Merlin (Arthur) [pic supplied] depending on whether I had a picture or not. However, if I wanted a picture of Bradley James who plays Arthur I would use the subject line Bradley James, despair or Bradley James [pic supplied].
♠ by 'bandom' I just mean music groups, so Muse, The Beatles, etc.
♠ The subject of the comment can be left blank if you have detailed everything in the subject line or you can use the space to be more specific. If you have a picture you would also provide either a link to the image or the image itself (unless the image would be classified as NSFW and then only a link may be provided).
♠ Responses are then made as a reply to the comment with the subject line 'Prompt filled'. Your subject would include both the icon, the URL to the icon and how you would like to be credited.
♠ Again, you can look at the prompt post from
last time to see how it works.
Thoughts/suggestions/spelling errors?
Iconfest round 2 links: [
rules/about ] [
promotions ] [
f.a.q.s ] [
the PROMPT page ]