1. Would you rather have fifty aquaintance-type-friends or just two to three very close friends?
2. Have you ever really blown it with someone that mattered to you, in such a way that things were never the same afterwards, and if so, how?
3. Where do you see yourself in five years, ideally? (And "celebrating the five year anniversary of you asking me this question" is not an acceptable response, although I'll give you props if you get the reference.)
4. What do you think is your greatest characteristic, attribute, or talent?
5. What do you think is your greatest personal flaw?
I hate #3!! I actually answered that questions with an "I don't know" in an interview earlier this year. I don't even know where I want to be in one year, much less five. I don't even know if I'll be living in the condo I just bought (though chances are good).
Comments 15
1. Would you rather have fifty aquaintance-type-friends or just two to three very close friends?
2. Have you ever really blown it with someone that mattered to you, in such a way that things were never the same afterwards, and if so, how?
3. Where do you see yourself in five years, ideally? (And "celebrating the five year anniversary of you asking me this question" is not an acceptable response, although I'll give you props if you get the reference.)
4. What do you think is your greatest characteristic, attribute, or talent?
5. What do you think is your greatest personal flaw?
1. Are you superstitious, and if so, how? (Includes mainstream religion, psychic/esp stuff, occult, etc.)
2. Have you ever really blown it with someone that mattered to you, in such a way that things were never the same afterwards, and if so, how?
3. In a significant other, what one quality is so important to you that you'll overlook a lot of other less-ideal characteristics?
4. What do you think is your greatest characteristic, attribute, or talent?
5. What do you think is your greatest personal flaw?
2. Have you ever cheated on a significant other? Has a significant other ever cheated on you? (I know that's two questions but they're related.)
3. What would it take right now for you to be truly content?
4. What one thing would you change about your significant other?
5. How's the baby?
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