I always come back to my writing places with a sense of dread and resurrection. I haven't written here in some notable or at least flippantly mentionable amount of time, and now that I return I'm sure everyone expects something florid and bathetic, with flashes of self-indulgent brilliance, or intelligent spectacle, or something like that. I have
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About five minutes ago, Tea Leoni called bullshit on my "host profile" at the hotel. It is bullshit, and it isn't. My name really is Corey Absher, and I am, in a way, from Topeka, Kansas. She scoffed, her face physically recoiled, and she said, "I don't know if I believe that." "It's true," I said. Part of it is true. The first paragraph is a
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For some reason, obvious or inexplicable, this really tickles me. While uninteresting, it is at least nominally funny, right? Ug. Donkeylips. Budnick. Pinsky. Venus DeMilo as Telly?
Lost, today I wandered over to the book shelves and picked up Julian Jaynes's The Origin of Consciousness... Inside, I found an old Magritte Collection postcard, the one with the pipe on it that reads "Ceci n'est pas une pipe
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Today's suggested dosage of facts given without context to pathetically suggest that I'm interesting as a person:I took professional photos today of an empty casket in a large studio on Olympic Boulevard
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They got five televisions In a house full of three: Look upon that fake fireplace, You know the buck-toothed boy’s me. See that wood panel room, That’s where I learned to drink. You see that hole in the wall- That was Seagram’s, I think( ... )