Вчера нашло вдохновение, весь вечер кулинарила. Всего делов-то, два с половиной часа у плиты и полный холодильник еды. Здесь вам и острый супчик харчо с сахарной косточкой, курочка в хрустящей корочке, запеченая с яблоками и черносливом и даже торт шоколадно-банановый.
We can't measure our goodness bu what we don't do, what we deny, what we resist and who we exclude, but measure it by what we embrace, what we create and who we include.
Every time I stop to take a breath I realize how isolated I've let myself become. Believe me, you can get a bit desperate. But we'll be together in time. Even if we are far apart, we will find a way to become close and take care of each other. There could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison.