I got a new lj. I hated this user name. My new one is Hysterectomy, I'm not sure if I'm going to use it or not, just because I feel bad for leaving this one behind.
Today while walking to fourth block, I saw these two kids standing in the middle of tons of other kids, holding each others faces and moving in slow-motion for what I'm sure was a very sloppy kiss.
I just thought... what if I'm reading someone's info that I don't really know, or never talk to, and they have that buddy thing in there, and then think I'm a really big weirdo or something? What if I end up going like 32 times, and look like a stalker or something?
I have that my buddy thing in my aim profile now. I didn't know it let you see how many times someone went to your profile, but it does and I got it and now I can spy on you guys.