Well everyone, I've done it. I've FINALLY figured out the one way that I'm going to wipe Kali from my memory banks forever. And it'll be rather simple
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Guess I'll do what HGryphon did...You all give me five questions you want to ask me, and then I'll answer them. Be creative, too. Don't give me "How old are you?" "What's your favorite color?" or shit like that. Give me questions that will take me about a paragraph each to answer.
Just so I can comment on Matt's recent rant about Chuck Jones, Anime, Veggie Tales, and Albinoblacksheep.com, and add my own critiques
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Played EverQuest for all of tonight. I got Treima up to level 9 (yes, leveling is a bitch on this game), and I'll be doing more of the same tomorrow...
Also, tomorrow, I'm getting registered for Canyon Rose. It'll be most fun, I'm sure, seeing as I'll have to account for $70 worth of shit from Santa Rita that day. :-/
Just got back from Jerry-Bob's. Never can finish the entire Cajun chicken meal, so I just ate as much as I could and took the rest home
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That for two-thirds of my Summer I kept a very strict sleep schedule? I woke up at 5:00 each morning for a month (the Early gRO era), and then after that month I woke up at 6:00 (Late gRO/Exploration/EverQuest era).