Title: A Tiny Embrace Rating: PG Summary: When DG messes up a spell that transforms Cain and Glitch into cats, everyone tries to find a way to turn them back before they become the palace pets. Note: Inspired by this adorable gif http://i.imgur.com/C0kXkKf.gif
Title: Chocolate Tango Rating: PG-13 Summary: One day, some time after they met, Cain and Ambrose clear up a couple of things and start taking their friendship to another level. Note: Continuation of the Neighbors AU.
Title: Day by Day Rating: PG-13 Summary: Glitch's surprise for Cain doesn't go as planned, and Cain ponders about his zipperhead. Note: Really random thing...
Title: Ups and Downs Rating: PG-13 Summary: Cain and Ambrose get stuck in an elevator. Note: For the cliche prompt, you guessed it, "They get stuck in an elevator" from a random prompt generator XD