Thread list for March.

Mar 07, 2009 23:48

Thread-logging start!

Antique Bakery. Meets Sun-woo and Jin-Kyuk. Cakes for Poland.

Shaaaark. Almost nom'd. Owe you one, England.

Ikki, king of Prussia. Olf-fashioned. Agito.

Ball newsletter. Rena blushes. Did Maya go?

Trish and Lady's intro. Meets both.

Balthier and Fran's intro. Meets both.

Skin of a Killer. Doing laundry. Picnic with Near. Meets Dexter.

Crossdresser's ball. Stares at Gant. Escapes with Near the schoolgirl. Poor Latvia. Dances with Poland. Usopp comments on the dress. Offers to teach Mika to dance.

Rube Goldberg machines. Offers his stuff so Near can make one.

7 Years War. Intervenes before Prussia shoots Poland. Magical girl dress fittings. Almost rule'd. Anastasia cockblocks.

Meets Midna. Frets over Poland.

Humiliation. Liet's boyfriend decorates in pink. Klavier's brother. Pretending with Kagura. Cuthbert and love. Double date with Tsuzuki and Hisoka.

Baking. Recipe exchange! Meets Tamaki. Offers to teach Lym. Oregon? Ziva recognizes the accent. Near asks awkward questions. Meets Usopp and Zexion. Invited to a get-together! Meets Toudou Kimi. National cuisine of Sealand. Tsuzuki's coworkers. Searching for Poland.

Manly hobbies. Meets Ishida, takes his country-ginity. Pleasantries with Colette. Asks Uru and Kagura about Poland.

Kitty's cold and wet. Casshern's mp3.

Oregon Trail. Parties up with America, Canada, and Prussia. Mystery package. Fording with clocks. A cold, a broken arm, buying supplies. Oxen on steroids. America doesn't like the cold. THE KRAKEN. Riding the tidal wave.

Tiny Dean and a gun. Near worries; the purpose of friendship. Liet's brothers.

Kouichi's intro. Meets Kouichi and Yui.

Maid cafe. Invited to Ohno's gundam. Woman's Day cookies for Poland. Hungary the bodyguard. Hit on by Rabi. Latvia's sister. Destroys Kagura's worldview. Akito is jealous. Meets Ryoji. Mikage gets a parfait. Placating Near with chocolate. Meets Mason.

Auras! Genswitched! Meets Virgil. The scars show. D: Ikki oogles and provides a jacket. Poland and the maid cafe. Cake is the solution? Offers cake to Near and Kagura. Uru walks him home. Anastasia thinks Poland's a jerk. Near wants to touch for SCIENCE. Poland and Liet nearly rule'd- cockblocking France ftw.

Tic Tac Toe. Piles of x's and o's with Chii. A game with Cuthbert. I fixed the holes, Klavier. Shiroe outside of a dream.

Narumi's detective work. Any luck?

post listings, finding stuff ftw, organization get

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