Oh man you need to use spellcheck lol.. but ne hoo.... I've wanted to go out lately too, but I haven't been able to stay awake for more then oh like 5 -6 hours out of the day and I don't know why. I'm sick of my CDs too I have like nothing.. I miss my old computer that had tons of shit DL on it. I need to get a job soon so I can buy some CDs.. or a computer... hmmm computer sounds more important now that I think about it. Where did you get your tatoo done? I've only heard bad things about X-body. Oh yea and about the dream things I know exactly what you mean. It's like the story of my life. I always have dreams that seem so real I can't figure out if they happened or not.... and usually they aren't very plesant dreams. I'll call you sometime next week and see what your up to ok? TTYL
I heard they weren't good for tatoos, but then again I've seen good art and there are some people that are never satisfied and just like to complain so I really don't know.
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