Jan 06, 2023 00:21
- Thu, 14:19: @ LADWP Thank you so much for providing outstanding service in this storm. And @ IBEWLocal18? You are earning every last dollar from that last round negotiated pay hikes. The weather is nasty outside and you are ON THE JOB. You are the best!
Aug 14, 2022 12:00
- Sun, 10:05: @ june I see that iOS folks can make their own recipes in their June app, but I can't find it in the Android version. Is there some that reason Android subscribers can't do something as simple as program a recipe into our $1000 smart ovens? #sayitaintso
Jul 20, 2022 12:00
- Tue, 17:05: @ ATT It's been almost 12 hours and my fancy 2GB fiber internet went down this AM in the middle of Los Angeles with no explanation and no ETA on a repair. What's going on my dudes? I just switched to AT&T and this isn't looking good :/
Jul 06, 2022 12:00
- Wed, 07:20: Hey @ Hyundai, when will you start selling your electric vehicles directly to consumers? Right now your dealerships are gouging consumers. I thought you wanted people to actually own these. What are you going to do? How can we ever trust these greedy dealerships again?