Hi! I've made a new Instant Star community. Just for discussing the show, talking about what you think is gonna happen, spoilers, and rumors and such. There will be no episode trading tho, there are other communities for that.
Please check it out and join.
I'll post as often as I can with updates on the show and such.
Heres the link:
captain_jangles wrote in
Apr 23, 2007 08:05
I thougt I'd let everyone know that Mackenzie Phillips was on the TV Land Awards last night announcing the Brady Bunch. :)
takemeback wrote in
Aug 13, 2006 23:07
I've decided to start a new discussion community for So Weird because all the other ones are completely dead, and that makes me sad. It is located here:
soweirdfansI will be doing everything I can to keep the new community active and organized. I will be having weekly polls, challenges, and discussion topics... and that's just the beginning. If nothing else,
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starsxx3686 wrote in
Jun 22, 2006 00:51
Hey guys! I'm so extremely excited to have found this community. I absolutely ABSOLUTELY LOVE SO WEIRD!! I love it. Although it sucked after Fi left and Annie came on. But I have so many of the episode. My favorite is the TWIN episode where Fi finally gets to say goodbye to her dad. oo and then The Siren episode. I loved it oo and also Rebecca.
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visest wrote in
Jun 15, 2006 09:55
Hey everyone! I just joined LJ, but a friend told me about soweirdepisodes here, and I knew I had to join. It's amazing that there are still So Weird fans out there! I've been a HUGE fan of the show ever since I first saw it, way back in 'the day'. I can't believe people still remember it, and I cannot express the joy I now have. ^_
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fated_enemy wrote in
May 01, 2006 08:11
hey. new here. just wanted to say hi. liked the show since it first came out. my favorite episode is Rebecca. not so fond of the 3rd season though
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magic_love333 wrote in
Apr 13, 2006 20:49
Hey, I just joined but I've been a hardcore fan of So Weird since 1999. And I miss it SO damn much...I remember how I used to stay up 'till 11 or midnight just to watch it. I taped so many episodes but I eventually recorded over them thinking it would come out on DVD or VHS =( I was proved wrong and Disney was stupid and didn't. Like many people
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candypumpkin wrote in
Apr 03, 2006 17:31
It's your mod here, since we are so inactive over here I thought maybe a little contest would get things going. If you have any interest in participating in a contest please vote below on what type you would prefer.
Poll so weird Also we have a new affiliate. A lot of you have been asking about the music of So Weird, well now there's a community for that:
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parlemer wrote in
Apr 03, 2006 17:44
As suggested by
quasimodo86 of
soweirdepisodes, the music and the episodes of So Weird will now be available in two differet communities. Please join
soweirdmusic for all of your So Weird-music related desires.
The archive is almost completly up and running, but I am missing a lot of songs. I'll place a list behind a cut. If you have any of these songs please either upload them here,
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