pixie_b wrote in
Jul 11, 2006 19:30
~Being quietly right about something, and keeping it just in your head because you don't need to push it on anyone else
~Having the children I work with consistently acquire "more" and "bubble" as the words they know best.
~Early jonquils
~Rain falling on my cheeks
~Daydreaming on the bus
pixie_b wrote in
Jun 25, 2006 18:32
~A fuzzy pink blanket
~Too many stuffed toys
~Having someone to look after you when you're sick.
~Organising my creative space so I can use it
~Sudoku addictions
ex_she_breat561 wrote in
Apr 15, 2006 10:57
Smith and Wesson handcuffs, dropped casually in my lap.
(It took a few hours for her heartrate to return to normal.)
ex_she_breat561 wrote in
Apr 10, 2006 23:04
x Pregnancy tests that come back negative when you WANT them to come back negative.
x The thought that, on one very vague and far away day, that pregnancy test might come back positive when you want it to be positive ...
x And finally, sisters who go with you to the drug store at 10:30 at night for ... well ... you can connect the dots.
ex_she_breat561 wrote in
Feb 18, 2006 02:59
The National Guard.
Clean smells.
Being held.
Feeling safe.
Ignorance ... sometimes.
My sister. My best friend. My lady partner-in-crime.
Jake Gyllenhaal.
Jake Gyllenhaal look alikes.
Being ... me. For once. Wow.
ex_she_breat561 wrote in
Feb 05, 2006 21:43
Wine tastings before 11:00am and a great Chardonnay.
Twelve uninterrupted hours of deep sleep.
Hearing my youngest sister singing (and watching her dance) uninhibited. She does redefine "care free".
The stars on a cold, windy night.
Knowing that everything will, one day, be "okay".
Little Britain, David Walliam, and Matt Lucas.
khessta wrote in
Feb 05, 2006 21:18
-Cuddling an old, crotchety cat
-Making friends with and subsequently cuddling an old, crotchety Giant Schnauzer
-Dancing like a maniac in the shower when no one's home, new CD blaring
-Building a garden in the backyard, complete with stone walkway and rose garden
-Playing any video game designed by Tim Schafer