ALSO, i'm having an art gallery show since i'm graduating college this semester, there will be free food/champagne and sweet art and i would LOVE IT if you showed up. it's in oakland, i know crossing the bay can be kind of a pain in the ass but if you happen to be around/available on Wednesday November 11th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, lemme know. most of the info is here :D
Comments 21
ALSO, i'm having an art gallery show since i'm graduating college this semester, there will be free food/champagne and sweet art and i would LOVE IT if you showed up. it's in oakland, i know crossing the bay can be kind of a pain in the ass but if you happen to be around/available on Wednesday November 11th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, lemme know. most of the info is here :D
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