Intro Post, Cherrygrove]
Jack started in New Bark Town... and somehow ran to Cherrygrove in the space of like ten minutes. Seeing as the world was glitching at the time, this was most definitely a glitch, yup. Met Karp.
Vulcan Raven (
uses_metaphors ) fell from the sky with Atka, his Miltank. Positive interaction.
[During the 4th Wall Event]
fistingjokes whilst running away from
coconutgun ... who was trying to eat Karp. 8| Neutral interaction with the former, negative interaction with the ape who tried to bowl him over and eat his Pokemon.
Contacted some guy (
quickattackjack ) over the Pokegear. He was staring at clouds. Neutral interaction.
Second Post, Cherrygrove]
Jack wakes up in Cherrygrove once the "glitch" has been fixed. Karp takes over the camera.
Contacted by Otacon (
philanthrotaku ). Positive interaction.
Third Post, Violet]
Jack was splashed by Karp... and it's snowing. Having retreated to the Pokemon Center, he's given a blanket and some hot chocolate by the nurses.
Contacted by Big Boss (
sneaking_sin ), who mistakes him for "Raikov" at first. Agree to meet up. Positive interaction.
Meets up with Arthur (
roundtablemngr ), whose Vulpix warms Jack up. Positive interaction.
Contacted by Heather (
heatherusedrage ). The two discuss wtfery. Positive interaction.
--Later caught a Gastly in Sprout Tower.--
[Between the third and fourth posts]
Contacted Otacon (
philanthrotaku ) via Pokegear. Discussed Liquid and Big Boss. Positive interaction.
Encountered some strange guy (
judge_clueless ) with a Rattata in his beard...? Positive interaction.
--Later caught a Mareep at Route 32.--
Met up with Vulcan Raven (
uses_metaphors ) in Violet City. Hot chocolate and stories~ \o/ Positive interaction.
Contacted Otacon (
philanthrotaku ) after he arrived in Violet. Neutral interaction.
Log with Big Boss and Vulcan Raven in Dark Cave.]
--Caught Zubat.--
Contacted Heather (
heatherusedrage). Unknown interaction.
--Caught Snover.--
Fourth Post, unknown location]
Jack woke up in the early hours of the morning on Christmas Day to find a Pokemon egg in his possession. Karp hasn't stopped making noise since he saw it. Pissy Jack is pissy and sleep deprived.
Contacted by Cecil (
puppet_paladin). Positive interaction.
Contacted by Heather (
heatherusedrage). Positive interaction.
--Obtained Gible Egg.--
Fifth Post, Violet]
--Gible hatched at Violet.--
The Pokemon egg hatched, revealing itself to be a (hungry) Gible. Jack notes the similiarities it shares with Metal Gear Ray, asking if anyone knows what kind of Pokemon it is.
Contacted by Otacon (
philanthrotaku). Positive interaction.
Contacted by Heather (
heatherusedrage). Positive interaction.
Contacted by Cecil (
puppet_paladin). Positive interaction.
Contacted by Vanille (
notjustsunshine). Positive interaction.
Contacted by Isa (
lunarbonds). Neutral interaction.
Contacted by Souji (
usedeverything). Positive interaction.
[Between the fifth and sixth posts]
Contacted Heather (
heatherusedrage ). People falling over, yay~ Positive interaction.
Met up with Souji (
usedeverything) in Violet, obtained Charmander egg! Positive interaction.
Contacted Kaz (
kazofalltrades). Positive interaction.
Sixth Post, Violet]
Jack and his Pokemon are training on the outskirts of Violet, when suddenly Karp begins to glow. Upon finishing evolution into Gyarados, he proceeds to roar happily and lick Jack repeatedly. Jack is not amused.
Contacted by Heather (
heatherusedrage). Discussion about badges. Positive interaction.
Found by Ise (
used_glare). Neutral interaction.
Vulcan Raven (
uses_metaphors) also happened to stumble across him. Positive interaction.
Contacted by Liquid Snake (
boldandresolute). Neutral interaction.
Found by Big Boss (
sneaking_sin). Neutral interaction.
Contacted by Bartz Klauser (
mimicofthewind). Neutral interaction.
Seventh Post, Violet]
It's Valentine's Day, and Rose still hasn't shown up. Jack decides the best way to remedy this is to angst on the floor whilst surrounded by beefy water dragon and a Charmander.
Found by Snake (
imthe_shit ). Neutral interaction.
Found by Heather (
heatherusedrage ). Positive interaction.
[Between the seventh and eighth posts]
Contacted Equius (
sagiterrifying ). Unknown interaction.
Eighth Post, Violet (yes he's slow okay)]
Vulcan Raven's Miltank, Atka, finds her way to Jack. Jack tries to contact Raven to no avail, and it soon becomes clear that he's missing. Jack realizes he'll have to take care of Atka himself, now.
Contacted by Heather (
heatherusedrage ). Positive interaction.
Contacted by Otacon (
philanthrotaku ). Positive interaction.