It's been over two years since I have posted something in a LJ. Life happens and i forget why i stopped posting in the first place. But for some reason getting this new hand me down laptop makes me want to start using LJ again. It's been an eventful two years. Sad and happy. Mostly happy. You know sometimes the days seem long but man, do the months
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So stuff has been going down today. I don't know how much longer I'm going to live at this house or if I'm going to make it to g-fest this year, I need to start my new job soon and some other things witch I'll get in to later. Today was spent mostly at the house taking care of life and resting. I've been rekindling my online life (slowly) and it's
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Looking over my old posts here makes me miss how simple things where, a lot of my drama and epic fails seem laughable now. felt important at the time I'm sure...but still. I've been sleeping for a long while now certain events in my life made me tired, so I went to sleep. I missed being truly awake while living my day to day life though. So here I
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Have you ever felt like you've lost everything all at once? Like things are changing in ways that seemingly you have no control over, but should? The things you could cling to, as to not be swept away in the rapids is breaking apart. Those things, the rocks you could hold onto to stay afloat
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So I sit here pondering what "I" really want to do with my day. The hole is getting deeper, I should stop diging. I hope my friends going be okay. I hope I'm going be okay to. I hate Going to bread. \Later/
Thanks my friends. For being good, for being there. Took me a while but I'm starting things again. It felt like I was sleeping for a long time. If that's true then I've had some interesting dreams. I feel awake now. I have a lot of things to take care of and I'm going to put my energy torwds them. The things that are worth it. Time is a precious
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