Wow, I haven't updated in nearly a month. Not exactly blogging like a champ, am I? It's not that I don't have things to talk about - I do, lots of things - it's just that I don't know how to put them into words. There's the weight loss (30 down, 70 to go!), boy drama (don't ask), and all kinds of other things. I'm just not finding words lately
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Comments 7
Congrats on the 30 pounds down! That's awesome!!
Sorry, that was totally OT, but it just occurred to me. Peppers - and bananas, too. I was just at the store. Dang.
ANYHOODLE. Thanks for the congrats and the commiseration! See? Boy trouble happens to the best of us. And we NEVER LEARN.
I'm thinking the "our daughter" is a big, stinking tease! I'd love it, but I don't believe it for a minute. Butcher couldn't allow Harry to have any happiness. *gives Butcher the stink eye*
Oh, he allows Harry tons of happiness. True, it's totally intrinsic rather than coming from good things happening to Harry. Harry is what I would call a cheerful realist. He understands and accepts his own imminent death all the freaking time, but he smiles and carries on. I love how cheerful he is.
I think the baby thing is real. I guess we shall see, hmm?
I think 30 lbs is amazing! Way to go! Is it getting any easier? I fell off my exercise kick after getting sick two weeks ago and just started back on this morning. Torture!
Jim Butcher is amazing. I liked Turn Coat a lot too. Harry is just so real, and likeable, and the writing doesn't feel like it's dumbed down at all. I'm first in line for Changes at the library so I'm gloating a bit about that. :)
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Yeah - remind me next time we get together to bring the books! You said you read the first three already. Do you want me to skip those? Do you want me to wait until you guys get a place and get settled in?
I really enjoyed seeing "Alice" with you guys! Next time, though, I need to come over on a day when I can hang out afterward. We can go to a coffee shop or something. I hated to run out like that as soon as the movie was over!
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