I leave for school again tommorow...trying to keep my head clear stay off the ganja and stay in the class room
besides that
Life has been great, I got confidence I haven't thought about having...this year should be good on that hip hop tip, I'll be recording a lot and getting better with the pen.
Long time since I last posted... I just finished my first year of school away from home, very nice. Now I'm back in the 253...working at the Yelm Cinemas... Anxious to start working on some hip hop... This summer should be a very unique one. Holla @ me though got a Show w/ Aaron on JUNE 23rd....
So...I have developed feelings for a girl, so much so that I turned down pussy. That is some shit. All in all a good night however at WSU today was Keg Day...guess what I did...
More Snow yesterday morning...sweet. I haven't gone more then 6 miles from my house since thanksgiving break, how sad... I'm a prisoner. School sucks. Need Girlfriend to fill in free time, too much marijuana inhalation, uhh... bye