I've seen the makeup meme going around my flist recently, so I thought I'd unearth all my ~beauty products~ and show you how I single-handedly keep Sephora and Ulta in business.
So if you follow me on twitter, you know that recently I haven't been able to shut up about One Direction, which, if you don't know, is a british boy band that was on the X Factor UK a couple seasons ago. STOP JUDGING ME
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So pennyplainknits is writing a Brendon/Ryan(/Spencer eventually) fic, and in order to ~inspire~ her to write it faster (NO ONE SAID I WAS PATIENT OKAY), I promised her a Ryan Ross picspam! And then I got started uploading things and kind of couldn't stop? So there are uh, a lot of pictures of Ryan Ross being gorgeous behind the cut.
HEY GUYS! IT'S A SPENCER FUCKING SMITH PICSPAM! I know you are all excited, as you should be. It's okay, Spencer's excited too, see? (And so is his boyfriend)