I know! I mean, my god, the writers must know what they're doing by now, right? And the Hew and the Flan, they must also be aware of just how massively gay for each other they are playing these characters. Just. *flails*
But, yeah, I've been reading the fic here for six months-ish, and I've still got like, 259098502lfsk92405 things on my "to read" list, which is, as you say, pretty awesome. Yay!
Have you found sga.fictionresource.com? It's down for the moment so they can fix stuff, but it's got an amazing recs list for McShep stuff. Anything on there that you haven't read yet, you should. Like, now. (Or, y'know, when they get it all fixed up and stuff.) XD
At this point, they have to know. They HAVE TO. If they don't, I ... have no words. I mean, the fandom is HUGE; it can't have escaped their notice entirely. Which leads me toward the squee!-worthy conclusion that they know about us and are willing to encourage us in our fun. Or at least NOT actively stomp on our hopes, dreams, and smut. XD
Well, I know Joe M knows about sheafrotherdon's lj, which is pretty much all McShep all the time, and there was that poll on the sga site. And, oh! I think I read somewhere that Joe Flan plays Sheppard like he's in love with Rodney, which I am not ashamed to admit caused me to emit noises that only dolphins and small dogs could hear. So, yeah, I like to think that much of the slashy goodness is intentionally winking at us slashers, and not just, like, complete ignorance on the writers' parts. Although, considering just how slashy season four has been (Miller's Crossing! Doppleganger! John knowing Rodney's password! The love triangle in Harmony! s;lfaklskf;lk!), if it's not on purpose...well, that would be pretty amazing, really ;D
I love my icon, too :) I need to get a new McShep one for Season Four, though, because everytime I think about my current one too long my mind follows through with "and then Rodney blew up a solar system, John held a grudge and wouldn't trust him for a long, long time...sadness." Whereas in Season Four, John stays mad at Rodney for a total of, oh, 30 seconds in Adrift and then began the season of "John loves Rodney so much, his greatest fear is Rodney dying, he cannot live without Rodney so he talks a man into KILLING himself so that Rodney doesn't have to, yeah John REALLY loves Rodney."
Aw, yeah, that's not right. Post-Trinity is rather sad (on the Aurora- Rodney: "Don't you trust me?" John:"No." D:), but see their love is epic and John forgives Rodney and then, yes, season four! Glorious season four! *happy sigh*
Oh uh hey, I just noticed you removed me from you f'list which was ironic as I was going to comment here that I was trying to get into SGA (eta: I'd left this comment half done, went to dinner, checked inbox is how that worked, found it funny so I'm just amenidng the unfinished comment ^^).
So many people I know watch SG1 and SGA that I feel like I must be missing something.
This isn't actually a request to be added again, my LJ is still mostly HP, A-Team, and Oldschool Battlestar Galactica (which by the way, I challenge Due South for the title of "Gayest Show Ever" *points to BSG "sports" outfits in my ion)and if those aren't your thing, my LJ is useless to you, but I do plan on keeping yours around because I am curious about this SG stuff. Do you mind?
No, of course I don't mind! And I'll still randomly read f-of people's posts whenever I can, so you'll probably get weird comments on posts from me, just maybe not as often?
But anyway, if you've not watched SGA (I'm not really an SG-1 fan, honestly; the characters just don't do anything for me), you so definitely should. All the characters are awesome, and John and Rodney are so so in love and adorkable and woobieish, and it's hilarious. And the fic that's out there is amazing, if you're into that (I know you're a fanartist, right? Do you read fic as well?)
Oh, I'm still interested in HP, it's just...not nearly as much, you know? So I just thought I'd give the people who weren't into sga and who still were into HP a little warning before randomly spamming their friends list with squee about sga.
Comments 18
Welcome to McShep fandom. We have lots of porn. It's pretty awesome, actually. XD
But, yeah, I've been reading the fic here for six months-ish, and I've still got like, 259098502lfsk92405 things on my "to read" list, which is, as you say, pretty awesome. Yay!
At this point, they have to know. They HAVE TO. If they don't, I ... have no words. I mean, the fandom is HUGE; it can't have escaped their notice entirely. Which leads me toward the squee!-worthy conclusion that they know about us and are willing to encourage us in our fun. Or at least NOT actively stomp on our hopes, dreams, and smut. XD
Well, I know Joe M knows about sheafrotherdon's lj, which is pretty much all McShep all the time, and there was that poll on the sga site. And, oh! I think I read somewhere that Joe Flan plays Sheppard like he's in love with Rodney, which I am not ashamed to admit caused me to emit noises that only dolphins and small dogs could hear. So, yeah, I like to think that much of the slashy goodness is intentionally winking at us slashers, and not just, like, complete ignorance on the writers' parts. Although, considering just how slashy season four has been (Miller's Crossing! Doppleganger! John knowing Rodney's password! The love triangle in Harmony! s;lfaklskf;lk!), if it's not on purpose...well, that would be pretty amazing, really ;D
ps. omg your icon! I've seen it before, and my love for it has not dimmed one bit.
So many people I know watch SG1 and SGA that I feel like I must be missing something.
This isn't actually a request to be added again, my LJ is still mostly HP, A-Team, and Oldschool Battlestar Galactica (which by the way, I challenge Due South for the title of "Gayest Show Ever" *points to BSG "sports" outfits in my ion)and if those aren't your thing, my LJ is useless to you, but I do plan on keeping yours around because I am curious about this SG stuff. Do you mind?
But anyway, if you've not watched SGA (I'm not really an SG-1 fan, honestly; the characters just don't do anything for me), you so definitely should. All the characters are awesome, and John and Rodney are so so in love and adorkable and woobieish, and it's hilarious. And the fic that's out there is amazing, if you're into that (I know you're a fanartist, right? Do you read fic as well?)
And also, that icon? Yeah, that's pretty gay :D
Mmmmm, cheese.
I'm afraid I have no clue about SGA and I'm still very much HP-oriented, so feel free to defriend if you want. :-)
Oh, I'm still interested in HP, it's just...not nearly as much, you know? So I just thought I'd give the people who weren't into sga and who still were into HP a little warning before randomly spamming their friends list with squee about sga.
*friends anyway*
*hands you chocolate instead*
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