Hi - couldn't reply on mctabby's post as it's hit its comment maximum - but wanted to say hi and thanks for friending me! I don't know why so many people are shy of friending - i'm nice! Truly I am! hope you have fun in the basket. There will be an introductory basket party later today I think! (Lucius hands out the nibbles)
Yes, obviously! You *must* start making Lucius (I swear my fingers always want to write Luscious) weep bitterly when he breaks a nail in a fic. Don't you know that's canon?
Yay! Now I won't feel like a complete dunce when reading your LJ! *smoosh*
Name: Lauren *yawn* Favorite Pairings, kinks, squicks: Uhm, favourite pairings? *ponders* Yeah, I don't really know, but I think Snape/Harry is the closest to an OTP I'm going to get and anything involving Sirius. Kinks? *blush* Rimming! Yay! Squicks? Pssh! I have no squicks. Why? Because Snarry is love, I dunno. *shrug* It's 5 a.m. and I'm running on half an hour's sleep in 2 days so I'm not quite sure how to answer. *falls* Fanfic, fanart, or meta? All three XD Link me to the last good thing you read: Hmmmm, well rantipole_ has some good stuff. Do you like it when I call you big poppa? Oh yeah, baby
Please keep in mind that I'm not all there right now. Not that I ever am, but if none of this makes sense, please forgive me. Thank you for adding me to your flist. That makes me all giddy inside. XD!!!!
Like underlucius, I found mctabby's full so I couldn't reply to your comment - but here's to say that I friended you. Um - if I fill your query out truthfully, you may wonder why on earth you did invite me in, but do give me a chance, all right? ;-)
Name: Sigune will do.
Favorite Pairings, kinks, squicks: I don't really have favourite pairings, my main interest is genfic. But I keep a fairly open mind and have been known to read all sorts of things provided they are well-written. Examples are SS/OFC, SS/NT, SS/RL, RL/NT, DD/MM, MM/SS - well, stories that involve my favourite characters. I don't think I have any kinks at all - I'm not fond of NC-17 and rarely read R, even. On the other hand there are plenty of things that I'm absolutely not interested in reading, and I think student/teacher creepy (possibly because in my own schooldays I had absolutely no hormones, or at least no active ones). Despite that, I have read the occasional SS/HP, SS/RW and SS/HG and not regretted it :-D. And I honestly don't mind other people having lots
( ... )
Can I ask where the name Sigune came from? I've been wondering since I first found your journal. And I'll try to remember not to call you big poppa XD
I totally agree with the sarcastic, IC Snape. There's nothing worse than a whiny little girl taking over his body and making him weep bitter emo tears because he's sad and lonely and greasy, woe!!11!
I'm not really a fan of het, but I'll definitely bookmark Highly Improbable to read when I get the chance. I'll try anything once, especially on a rec. Nice to have you here!
Ah - the 'Sigune' part. First off, it's not my real name (*feels silly*); but it's one I've used for quite a few years now in e-mail adresses and such, so I stuck to it when I discovered fandom. It's the name of a Grail maiden in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzivâl (early 13th century). I used to be very much into Arthurian legend and medieval romance, and I grew to like Sigune through Adolf Muschg's novel Der Rote Ritter - an intriguing piece of Wolfram fanfiction, if you like :-). (Sigune in Wolfram)
If you don't like Highly Improbable, I'll try to rec something more to your taste next time ;-).
Hi. Here from the friending frenzy where you wrote...
Now I just have to work on your necro squick...
NOOOOOOOOOO! Fends off dead and moldy things with a stick. But you'll probably have more luck with that (if it's a mild kind of necro) than with horror or scat. Maybe.
Noo, nononono, not mouldy! Recently deceased is where it's at. Have you tried sionnian? She's gone friends-only, but her necro stuff is really good and atmospheric. She's what changed necro from a squick to a not-quite kink, but close. I'll corrupt you, eventually *commence ev0l laughter*
Comments 39
Now you are regretting joining up, aren't you?
Nope, not regretting joining up at all, especially if there are nibbles. Mmm, nibbles :D
*hands more nibbles*
*takes nibbles; offers left-over Halloween candy*
Name: Lauren *yawn*
Favorite Pairings, kinks, squicks: Uhm, favourite pairings? *ponders* Yeah, I don't really know, but I think Snape/Harry is the closest to an OTP I'm going to get and anything involving Sirius. Kinks? *blush* Rimming! Yay! Squicks? Pssh! I have no squicks.
Why? Because Snarry is love, I dunno. *shrug* It's 5 a.m. and I'm running on half an hour's sleep in 2 days so I'm not quite sure how to answer. *falls*
Fanfic, fanart, or meta? All three XD
Link me to the last good thing you read: Hmmmm, well rantipole_ has some good stuff.
Do you like it when I call you big poppa? Oh yeah, baby
Please keep in mind that I'm not all there right now. Not that I ever am, but if none of this makes sense, please forgive me. Thank you for adding me to your flist. That makes me all giddy inside. XD!!!!
Hey now, Lauren's my RL best friend's name! It's quite a lovely name, IMHO (I totally just typed "IHOP" by mistake...mmm pancakes.../random)
And eh, who ever is all here? Thanks for adding me back! ♥
Name: Sigune will do.
Favorite Pairings, kinks, squicks: I don't really have favourite pairings, my main interest is genfic. But I keep a fairly open mind and have been known to read all sorts of things provided they are well-written. Examples are SS/OFC, SS/NT, SS/RL, RL/NT, DD/MM, MM/SS - well, stories that involve my favourite characters.
I don't think I have any kinks at all - I'm not fond of NC-17 and rarely read R, even. On the other hand there are plenty of things that I'm absolutely not interested in reading, and I think student/teacher creepy (possibly because in my own schooldays I had absolutely no hormones, or at least no active ones). Despite that, I have read the occasional SS/HP, SS/RW and SS/HG and not regretted it :-D. And I honestly don't mind other people having lots ( ... )
I totally agree with the sarcastic, IC Snape. There's nothing worse than a whiny little girl taking over his body and making him weep bitter emo tears because he's sad and lonely and greasy, woe!!11!
I'm not really a fan of het, but I'll definitely bookmark Highly Improbable to read when I get the chance. I'll try anything once, especially on a rec. Nice to have you here!
(Sigune in Wolfram)
If you don't like Highly Improbable, I'll try to rec something more to your taste next time ;-).
Now I just have to work on your necro squick...
NOOOOOOOOOO! Fends off dead and moldy things with a stick.
But you'll probably have more luck with that (if it's a mild kind of necro) than with horror or scat. Maybe.
Added back. :D
Nice to have you here :D
Favorite Pairings, kinks, squicks: I like H/Hr, H/L, R/Mcg, R/L, and just about anything else except H/G
Why? It's just personal.
Fanfic, fanart, or meta? Tealin's HP Art, Sigune, & Such_Things-They are my favorites fanartists.
Link me to the last good thing you read: http://www.sugarquill.net/read.php?storyid=1026&chapno=1
Do you like it when I call you big poppa? Hmmmm, I never thought I was that big. I'm kinda of on the runty side.
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