omg ok so 2dai i ghet a cal on mi celphon an dis voic wuz lyke "i no u got a gibson im goin 2 hax it" an im lyke "omg no i dont" omg den he hung up. i wuz soo madd
whut is a gibson??!!11 becuz i dont wunt 2 ghet hackkedd!!!
lyke 2dai derr wuz dis gurl namd diane omg shes meen an i hat herr butt she sed shee coud git mi som drug an im lyke "i luv drugs" butt da thin is ive nevr dun drugs
omg hay i kno its ben awhle sinc i postz 4 ya butt i wuz buzy wit life (not liife hes a loser haha) butt i think wut i say is imprtant becuz im hawt an lyke 2dai des hoes weer callin mi meen thingz. wut cn i do 2 dem
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Hey ya'll, some weird stuff has been going on, i've talked to a few people iv'e met online and they say I helped own my cousin, i dont get it but whateva.
Anyhow, school is sucking i hate this time of year when finals ruin your life!
Hey ya'll, this is amber, I forgot i made this account untill my gay cousin Cody, u kno him as Liife updated it again and one of the ppl that was on my friends list got a email
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i totlry frogot i had dis jornal so newaze da ohter day i waz @skool nd dis gurl named robin (OMG SHES SUCH A STALKER lola!)cam up 2 me and wuz liek "do u got brads numbr>?" so i sed "no u crepy staker" den she sed dat i was nastly!1 sso den i sed 2herr dat weez gnonna fite l8r at da communty centr atda bsaketball hjoopz cuz der boyz dat wil get
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lol, liek eye toaltly h4d sex wid dis gyu n he vidja tped itlol. its on Kazaa nows lol. da guy wuz like 25, i dunkno he nmae. OMG! i hope brad, curtis, leo, todd, cindy, brett, mike, tyler or kyle don c itt! den dey wnt b my lverz! omg :0(:-():_0( SAD FACE!$
sorry guys, I won't b ^datin much n e more lol. im weigh 2 buzy leavin 4 mi dads every ONE HALF SECOND! lol seriously den i stay 4 a mondth den come back for a HALF SECOND den leave again lolololol.
mi uncel tr1ed 2 rpe me 2day!! he wuz liek "commher n unwrap ur bday presnt!" n i wuz liek "my bday wuz ysterdy! u must b trin 2 rape mi!!!!!!!" so i kncked hm in da shinz n i ran 2 da Boys and Girls Club of Illinois whre i plyd hoopz wit hot 1/2nked boiz! lol den i kizzed em!!!da rest of da storie is 2 pr0n0grafix 4 u allz lol.
hey peepz! surrie bout nto ^dating lol, ive ben buzy POPIN SPEED LOL! seriously. newaylol i had a partaiii da oder nit, it wuz sooo crazai! lol. we startde beatin ^ retardde peepz n shyt, it wuz lol. ten i wuke ^ w/ a vokda boddle en mi azz lol. i dunno hwo i lsot mi clothz lol. C YALLYLABCDE.