Well, T.V told us we'd have flying cars by now... and I know a few people who are wondering where the hell they are?!
But at least we're on the way to cybernetic limbs and bioware. So all us
geeks can feel a little less gyped!
Sep 02, 2006 16:14
Well, now that everybody's had time to forget the DingDong song, it's time to infect you all with another one
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Aug 09, 2006 16:29
Ugh... Been using The Sims as my study-break thing. Great game for it; I get bored after fifteen minutes and go back to studying... but it does make me feel like a Sim sometimes
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Jul 28, 2006 23:02
6 more days 'till our humble house FINALLY goes online :-) :-) :-) YAAAAAAYY!!
Off to Leicester tomorrow!