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Sep 24, 2005 12:54

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
When was the last time you talked to kasey_69?Ummm at the game last nightWhere did ashybabe2208 leave the remote?In the coachWhat's up with vandalbballer?a little shorty! but ya gotta love himWhom is stacylea22 attracted to?i dunnoHow many siblings does shellrain06 have?not sureWhat is chernow's favorite song?no clueWhere did jamiedos go?Merrill High SchoolWhat does darland07 look for in a significant other?HottnessWhat political beliefs of cheerhunie do you disagree with?i have no freakin ideaWould you sooner donate a kidney to stallings08 or anomaly_fanfare?most likley renee (stallings08)Is xo_shelby22_xo an innie or an outie?innie thats meWho would win in a fight between minimilne2096 and djballer20?danni (djballer20) shannas so quitdeedzee_mv_grl is in a maze of twisty passages, all alike. What now?She get lost OH NOWhy did odoylerulz cross the road?to get to the other mother fuckin sideWhat's the last thing you said to kmc_confused?ummmmm i don't remember prolly sumthing about mock rock or sumthingWhere do you think rachp is right now?no clueAfter a cataclysmic war, whom would you pair with johannrd to repopulate the Earth?fuck if i know Why would ltjlover4608 go to heaven but bonerbabe2213 go to hell?because miranda is a good little girl and HEATHER well no so good! hahaWho would make a better stuffed animal, its_the_dizzle or kmars08?Kirsten (kmars08)What would newgirl6789 and gurney07 inherit from katieface089's will?A Dollar
What was jennieluvsfun wearing, the last time you noticed?ummm a pretty velvot dress for the homecoming court at the game last night!How long have you known fionadeghart?not that long shes used to be a forign exange student last year haven't really seen her since thenWhat is the strangest thing lvr2000 has ever said to you?ummmmm something that had to do w/ HeatherWhat does britney415 spend the most time doing?Ummmm having FUNsportz_hooch: pansy, or wuss?i dunnoCan pat06 raise the dead to perform common household tasks?prolly he thinks he can do anythingWho would make a better window-washer, katelatty or lilfiligrl248?Nichole (lilfiligrl248)Can mvplaya solve a Rubik's Cube?prollyWhat is warfaminedeath's favorite movie?prolly like the dawn of the dead or sumthing something a little on the creapy sideOf babyflowjo and chanell420, who would call shotgun first?prolly chanellHave you ever seen fenby218 naked?NopeDo you envy shorty_41189's job?nopeWhat was the last game you played with britney5148?Powder Puff last wed.Of mindy_0510, 86percentstar, and piston_fan3, which one is most similar to xoemmyox?prolly becca (piston_fan3)What is silover2408's fantasy?haha no clue why don't you ask herDoes nicole_ip81086 spend too much time on LiveJournal?yeah sure why notWhat is themysterious5's favorite book?No clue i dunno even know who the hell it is they just added me to there listWhat would happen if you were to date shannon_05?Ummm i'd feel a little Lesbion shes a girl! but i love shannon anyways shes so COOOOOOOOL!How many people has end_with_y0ux3 seduced?i dunno ask herWhat do yellow_card089 and its_just_a_hoax have in common?they both like punk rockWhat do you most envy about jr8?she gets to attached to guysWhat would stary_eyed_tee do with half a million dollars (U.S.)?i dunnoWhat do you find admirable about gettinwild020?Shes so freakin pretty ! Did magooma22 take the blue pill, or the red pill?Red i guessDoes krazylilcutie69 look better with long hair?yeahWhat is hoobajack's favorite band?Don't know, Don't CareWhat would amanda0131 like to do for a living?i dunnoIs sam_1508 best described as a badger, a mushroom, or a snake?Badger, shes meanWhat kind of book would short4ever and snowbabe0170 jointly write?a kids bookWhat is the most insightful thing you have heard ghettogurl09 say?something that had to do w/ her mom and cole hahahaIf you had the chance to sleep with summer_michele, would you?NOOOOOO SHES A GIRLDid ditzy_nell_07 steal the cookie from the cookie jar?Fuck yeah she didWhat is airbearbaa19 allergic to?No clueHow did you meet deedzeemvgrl?At schoolDid rachluvspink leave the stove on again?yeah sure why notWhat would your life be like if you had never met ekabball09?Sad gotta love emilyDoes shamrockbaby have a funny-shaped head or what?no not reallyWhat historical figure does crazyblonde2188 most remind you of?ummmmm Benjamin Frankin ! (haha sorry first thing that popped in my head)shenafro2408: ninja, pirate, monkey, or robot?NINJA DUHHHHHHHHHWhat animal does kiss_your most remind you of?ummmm a butterfly
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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