Heath Ledger passed away today... took too many sleeping pills apparently. Sad to see good actors go like that... Hopefully all the filming was finished for the Dark Knight.
I think I will need to watch 10 things I hate about you to mark this sad occasion.
My prayers go out to his family, especially his young daughter.
One year ago Micah and I joined our lives together. Holy crap it doesn't seem like a year at all! The past twelve months have completely flown by. Both of us have now graduated from college and have full time jobs. Granted mine is only temporary but even still... We celebrating by staying at a hotel and HuHot on Friday night, garage saling on
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Seeing as though I am almost to three months since my last post I thought I would update on this snowy evening. Fargo Public Schools are canceled tomorrow so I have another three day weekend. Student teaching is going amazing. I was really apprehensive at first, as many of you know, but things are going so well I don't know what I was ever worried
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Alright, I'm sure many of you are going to hate me, or at least want to choke me, after this post, but I must share. If you look down two posts I gave a rundown of what remained for the rest of the semester. Here is an update
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I received my placement today for Student Teaching. I will be at Ben Franklin Junior High working in an 8th Grade Language Arts class. This is exactly what I wanted. Im still nervous for student teaching but at least Im with a grade Im comfortable with and at a school so close to home. Ben Franklin is just about eight blocks from my house which is
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Sorry Im so lame about posting. I am really good about reading everyone else's posts, I just can't seem to make any of my own. School is starting to wind down. It seems weird to say that since its only the middle of November but I feel like I dont have a whole lot left before my last semester comes to a close
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I went on a women's retreat this past weekend with Micah's mom at Lake Beauty Bible Camp. I was a little nervous about going because I figured I would be one of the youngest women there and I wasn't going to know anyone except Merry. I am so glad I went
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Plans for the day include baking a cake, going to work, class, then work again, donating plasma then coming home to get ready for dinner. Micah and I are gonna go to Paradiso as normal because who can pass up a free meal?