Third time's a charm. And by charm I mean finished. This never would have been written if it hadn't been for the encouragement, hand-holding and fantabulous betatude from strangecobwebs and brooklinegirl.
Does anyone know where I can find screencaps from DS seasons 1 & 2? Or does anyone have time to make some for me tomorrow, if I were to provide a list. It's maybe 5 or 6, mostly from seasons 1 & 2, and just a couple from the Kowalski era.
Favor here. Does anyone out there have the ability to screencap CotW? There's a specific frame that I've been jonesing after for about 4 years now. Thank you in advance.
One of my children was smacking the mouse and keyboard and has now totally screwed up the appearance of all my windows. I have tried changing everything in the Display part of my control panel, and nothing has worked. Basically everything is too big, and in trying to shrink it all down, everything that wasn't messed up now is. Does anyone know
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Thanks to the lovely and talented kirsch, I can now make screen caps. So if anyone wants specific screen caps from WW, MWB, or DS season 3, put in a request and I'll do my best. If you want anything else, if I have it on DVD, I'm happy to do it.
We just got an invitation in the mail from my boss (who's also my friend and neighbor) for a party at a fancy restaurant in honor of their new baby. It's Saturday night, April 2. Guess who's getting a sitter and going alone? If you guessed Mr. C, you'd be so right, because I'm going to be at Connexions, babeeeeeeeeeeee. Yes, I'm blowing off a
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