so i am screwed! i found out my financial aid never went through this past school yr! so i am in debt to my parents of $3500 or so!! we have no idea what we are going to do! hopefully i can get a loan for that amount!! fuck fuck fuck any ideas?
last night sucked, same as the night before..katie, anna, and my's attempt to go out has failed. i mean yes, we did go out, but both times sucked! why do people have to be so boring and unexciting but us
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Right now Katie is playing Sims, and she put in some educational DVD about Ancient Civilizations. I am having problems ears just don't feel like listening i guess
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Well today I went to my second class and met my 3 friends in the class, and we went to lunch after like usual. I sat at the table not talking and feeling like an outsider and all alone. So it turns out COy is making fajitas for dinner, and then it turns into a whole house thing, Shorty and Spicer joining. but then..they want Jean and Jules to come
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ok what i forgot to add in my journal last night was that some guy, Anthony pranked called me. and i know his friend. and well so after all this shit going on tonight it comes to be that Andrew, Anthony, and Grant were prank calling and called 3 ppl including me. and i was the only one that got the name Andrew. and so at like 9pm tonight Andrew
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ya...i really need to do my correspondence class..but it sucks ass! i hate when u have to find answers then study them..but you dont even know if they are right!!! crazy shyte
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it has been a super duper long time since i have written in here..why? maybe cuz i have been actually studying?! who knows!! hehe man o man i am watching step mom! its the part where i start crying! when she gives her kids xmas gifts...that boy is so dang cute! dodood i want to go drink.. night! Lys